This was the party of the ABCA conference, we always had a meet-and-greet and this was no different. What an affair!!

We visited the boat the HMB Endeavour. Again, John and Betty Dickhute

This item was in space with the astronauts and is now housed in this boat. This is a bolt from the Endeavour that was loaned to the Space Shuttle bearing the same name, and when it returned to earth, it was given back to the Endeavour where it is now.

Sharon and I lost a little weight during our supper at the museum

Here is a boat made from "beer cans".

Back at the reception, George decided it was time to dance.

While iin Sydney, there was a friend of mine (Wayne Kelly and his wife Linda) whom I play golf with that was there at the same time. So we had them over for drinks and then out for supper.

We had an adventure set up with the ABCA group and it was to be aboard this vessel.

Sharon, John and Betty

Anita, Sharon and Betty

Look at the hole in the building!! I was amazed

Now here are some pictures from a place called The GapĀ  I made some photographical mistakes so some of the pictures are less than prefect.

My attempt at a picture of one of the local flowers

We left Parsley bay for Bondi Beach

Sharon and George in the middle of the picture---Find Waldo hahah

We took the bus back to Sydney and stopped at the Shopping mall and took some pictures of their famous clocks

On the 17th Apr we again met for a meal, and this time it was to say goodbye to John and his wife Betty as they were soon to leave.  Surprise was that they had a few gifts for us (rather than the other way around)

John & Betty Dickhute gave us a parting gift which we cherrish to this day.

Terry Dowling and his wife

Sharon and Betty

George getting in on some hugs with Betty

George and the computer. There is a conundrum or are the two really oxymorons

This is where Sharon bought her opal-I now have shares in this place!!

We told Sharon to wait here and we would be back-just to make sure, I took a picture of her.

Lucas and Annita were leaving for New Zealand.

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